Intrasenze for companies
Alert, manage and prevent critical incidents
Security and Safety with UAN-Safe
A secure alert system for the entire company – integrated alarm app for staff
It is necessary to protect property, operations, and employees.
With UAN-Safe, the technical alarms (fire, burglary, plumbing issues etc.) are connected to our user interface which allows for controlling all alarms in one place. Since you own all your data, you simply build your own Al. False alarms are minimized as all alarms are delivered directly from the sensor in text to the right person’s mobile device. Intrasenze’s solution is compatible with all types of sensors and systems. The company gains redundancy in alarms and builds its own security and safety solution, a micro alarm center.
By adding social networks through UAN-Safe, the individuals who should receive the alarm at a specific time and place are connected. If a door environment triggers an alarm, the property technician can directly check the alarm on their mobile device and address it. In Back-Office, the alarm is noted, along with who resolved the issue and the time and location.
Contact us for more information.
Through UAN-Safe, employees can raise alarms and receive assistance from those nearby as well as emergency services and security guards.
Let us demonstrate how UAN-Safe works for various areas such as real estate and management, technicians, reception, employees, and more. Not to mention the finance department, which can budget and handle invoices in a snap. At a fixed price.
Contact us at or call +46 20-44 00 40.
Customer examples
Smaller companies
In a smaller company, most people know each other.
Thanks to Intrasenze’s patent in UAN-Safe, we offer solutions for both individuals and technology.
Technical alarms go from a sensor to a phone or a mobile-connected alarm button, simultaneously reaching the alarm center and security personnel. Additionally, everyone in the network (groups) receives both the notification and the geographic position. The technical alarms are delivered in plain text. For individuals, they can choose between pre-set messages or writing their own.
Customers can easily manage networks and alarms through an administrative interface, Back Office, on their computer.
Larger companies
In a larger company, there are various types of alarms, such as burglary, fire, operational, and production alarms.
With UAN-Safe, all alarms are connected to a shared Back Office function where the customer creates social networks, controls and filters the alarms to ensure the right person receives the right alarm at the right time and place. In addition, all employees can be connected so they can have their own personal alarms and, for example, fire alarms if they are present.
UAN-Safe provides endless possibilities. Alarms can be filtered so that the appropriate person/function/team receives the necessary alarms, which are simultaneously sent to the alarm center, security personnel, management, and colleagues. Choose whether operational alarms should only go to the facility technician or also to other individuals/groups within the company.