Feeling safe is a human right

Committed to a safer and more secure society

Our purpose – a more resource-efficient society

The Intrasenze Foundation was established by the founders of Intrasenze

Intrasenze’s values are rooted in the founders’ experience of how to create long-term sustainability. The aim is to ensure Intrasenze’s independence through ownership and to promote cooperation between individuals, households, companies, municipalities, regions, the judiciary and organizations that want to contribute to a safer world for all.

What we offer

Intrasenze Foundation acts as a catalyst for those who want to build and achieve safer communities at lower cost through feasibility studies and analysis of the current situation, lectures, action plans and various sponsorship activities. The foundation’s local cooperations are an important part of the mission. For more information, please call us on 020-44 00 40 or send an email to info@intrasenze.com.

Support Intrasenze Foundation activities

Intrasenze Foundation, a non profit foundation

Intrasenze Foundation’s work is based on the Voluntary Social Responsibility of Individuals (VSROI) algorithm and ethical theories of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
This means that individuals and companies are responsible for fulfilling their civic duties, and that an individual’s and a company’s actions must benefit society.
We believe in a balance between economic growth, safe communities and social networks, and the well-being of society and the environment.
This leads to safer and healthier people, lower social costs, increased tax power and higher property values.

Sponsor our activities, support Intrasenze Foundation

The Intrasenze Foundation is subject to the provisions of the Swedish Foundation Act (1994:1220).

The Foundation’s administration

Authorized public accountant Carl-Johan Kjellman of BDO AB audits the Foundation’s accounts. The Swedish Tax Agency reviews the company’s income declaration to ensure Swedish tax legislation for foundations is followed and taxes and fees are paid in the right way and at the right time. The County Administrative Board checks that the Board prepares annual accounts and complies with the Foundation’s statutes.

Support Intrasenze Foundation

Bank Swedbank
Clearing 8327-9
Account 964 816 688-3
IBAN SE08 8000 0832 7996 4816 6883 BIC SWEDESESSXXX Labeling: Gift Contribution Contact us: Call 020-44 00 40 or send an email to info@intrasenze.com. We will get back to you within 24 hours.
Thank you for supporting our work!

Created and protected by Intrasenze

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