Welcome to United Action Network

A digital Alert Platform for everyone

Alert System in your phone – faster, safer and more efficient


Whether you are a professional user or a private person, UAN-Safe is for you. For personal alarms, it must be possible to raise an alarm quickly. For professional use UAN-Safe acts as an alarm receiver and it needs to be easy to see which alarms need to be addressed, which alarm class and alarm type and whether your colleagues have handled the alarm. For personal alarms: In the Alert Central you choose how critical your alarm is and quickly and easily alert those who should have the alarm for quick help. Pre-set notifications. Professional users build their own Alert Central using networks designed according to the needs of their company/municipality. By linking all alarm systems to 1 platform, an immediate situation analysis is given for correct and efficient action. Choose alarms on the phone, computer or via your own internal platform. Back Office is our unique user interface that provides statistics and reporting and allows you to control your own solution. ALERT UAN-Safe in the ALERT CENTRAL

  • EMERGENCY SOS. You will be connected to 112 and assisted by an SOS Alarm Operator. Simultaneously your predefined message is sent to your selected networks for action. Alert people or create functions, ie Lockdown or Immediate support. Fast. Simple.

  • ALERT CENTRAL. You will be assisted by an operator at the Intrasenze Alert Central. You also notify Security Guards. In addition, a preset message is sent to your chosen networks. They see your alarm and where you are. Fire and burglar alarms are linked directly to the Alert Cantral. And the responders receive the alarm directly on their mobile.

  • NETWORK. Send alert or alarm messages (image, video and/or text) to your networks. Share your location and get help from those close by.

  • FOLLOW ME. Send GPS signal to your social networks and the members can follow your trip. Your phone becomes a panic button, activating your camera at the touch of a button and recording video with audio that accompanies you when you alert your networks.

Networks are part of our unique patent, giving you safe security

Intrasenze Swedish patent “Improved Safety Alert Network System” is built on social networks in our unique digital Alarm Platform, where technology provides tomorrow’s opportunities already inencrypted. Personalize alerts in Alert settings. Choose sound, in push, by email, or in your internal platforms. At the same time. Communication is encrypted and secure. The solution creates functions for optimal alarm management. Fire alarm, burglary, operational or personal alarm. We accept all types of alarms and have an open interface. Professional users build their own alarm center. Customize functions and actions. Private users choose functions as needed and invite friends and colleagues to their pre-programmed networks.


“ALERT CENTRAL” is the start. All personal alarms are sent from here. Preset evacuation, lock down and personal messages. Sensor alarms go directly into the mobile and are documented for the right action. Send the Alerts and Alarms from here.

Active shooting or serious incident? SOS/112 ALERT CENTER or RED ALERT. Active shooting or serious incident? Reach SOS/112 ALARM CENTER and operator. If personal help is needed – press GUARD and ALARM CENTER This will alert both the guard and the alarm center, and of course those you want through your networks. IINTERNAL ALERT Also known as an anxiety alarm. Everyone gets the alert immediately and can help quickly.

Mini – Free Private

  • Create and join 4 social networks

  • Invite friends, buddies, colleagues and neighbors.

  • Send and receive alerts
  • FOLLOW ME function

Maxi – Business

  • Create and join 10 social networks

  • Invite friends, buddies, colleagues and neighbors.

  • Send and receive alerts
  • Customize who should receive your alarms. And how.
  • FOLLOW ME function

Macro – Professional

  • Build your own alarm platform

  • Connect alarm systems and staff

  • Create alarm groups with alarm chains

  • Integrate with alarm center and guards

  • Send and receive alerts

  • Personal alarms with portable alarm buttons